About us

Scoutrix is revolutionizing sports analytics by seamlessly blending AI-powered insights with professional coaching expertise to transform athletic training and performance. Already in production, our state-of-the-art SaaS platform is being offered to coaches at a nominal fee, allowing us to amass unique and extensive datasets. This wealth of information is the cornerstone for our ambitious goal: training the next generation of AI-driven coach co-pilots and developing accurate performance forecasting models applicable across all levels of play, from school teams to the NBA. By bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and on-the-ground coaching experience, Scoutrix is poised to redefine the future of sports training and analytics.

Scoutrix is led by a team of seasoned professionals, including CEO Daniel Shashar and COO Ariela Swed, backed by an advisory board featuring industry experts like Bob McKillop. This blend of technological innovation and sports expertise positions Scoutrix to capitalize on the rapidly growing global sports analytics market, projected to reach $2.51 billion by 2024. With an initial focus on basketball, which boasts around 500,000 coaches worldwide across amateur and professional levels, Scoutrix's scalable solution is designed to meet the needs of clubs of all sizes.

What sets Scoutrix apart from competitors in the AI measuring and team training SaaS space is its unique approach to data collection. By offering a comprehensive platform that includes video annotation, performance analysis, and even nutritional tracking via Calodar technology, Scoutrix is amassing a rich, multi-modal dataset that is continuously validated by professional coaches. This ever-growing pool of human-verified data gives Scoutrix a significant competitive edge, enabling the development of increasingly accurate and sophisticated AI models that other analytics startups simply cannot match without access to similar real-world, professionally curated data.


Daniel Shashar


Ariela Swed



Bob McKillop

Eli Swed

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